Integrating FullCalendar with Laravel Livewire had some interesting points that I wanted to share.
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Laravel Debugbar vs. Telescope Toolbar
I developed both Telescope Toolbar and Laravel Debugbar, and many want to know the difference. Let's compare both.
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Comparing Blade and Twig templates in Laravel
In my company, we use Twig instead of Blade for our Laravel projects. I know there are a lot of developers that also prefer Twig over Blade. So the question 'Why choose Twig over Blade?' often pops up. The reason is usually just a matter of preference, but in this...
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OAuth in Javascript Apps with Angular and Lumen, using Satellizer and Laravel Socialite
There a lot of blogs about OAuth an Laravel Socialite, but in this post I explain how to use this in your Angular app + Laravel/Lumen API.
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Unobtrusive JavaScript with jquery-ujs and Laravel
This blogs explains how you can simplify common JavaScript actions and make it easier to execute RESTful actions through links using jquery-ujs with Laravel, just like it's used in Ruby on Rails.
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CSRF Protection in Laravel explained
In this blog we take a closer look into CSRF protection in Laravel. We compare the difference between the CSRF filter in Laravel 4 and the current VerifyCsrfToken middleware in Laravel 5.
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Using StackPHP middleware in Laravel 5
Laravel 4 was compatible with StackPHP middleware, but Laravel 5 uses a new way to handle middleware. This blog explains the differences and shows a way to still use Stack middleware.
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Debug Your App with the Laravel Debugbar
Laravel News has written a nice introduction to one of my packages, the laravel-debugbar. It shows the basics of each collector and explains how you can use it.
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Streaming large CSV files with Laravel chunked queries
How do you handle exporting a large dataset to the user? This post explains Symfony's StreamedResponse and Laravel's chunked queries.
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The Artisan Files - Barry vd. Heuvel
Laravel News did an interview with me in its series 'The Artisan Files'. Follow the link to read the entire article!
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